Quote by Edward S. Rosenfeld: Management Versus Ownership Edward S. Rosenfeld, a family business consultant in New York City, says that an increasingly common issue in succession plans these days is working out the differences between the management and ownership of family businesses as they make a transition. As successive generations produce more family members [&hellip
Family Business Archive
Running Effective Meetings
Meetings can be tremendous time wasters. If not properly structured, not only do they consume valuable time, but if nothing comes of them; so much the worse. Managing agendas, decision-making and follow through is an important element of establishing good communication in the family business. Learn more by reading this newsletter from Foresight Advisors, our [&hellip
Entrepreneur Profile: Edward Rosenfeld
Entrepreneur Profile: IFR Furniture Rentals by Dan Lee on November 30, 2010 Thanks to Dan of Axial Markets for posting this profile on his blog. It goes to the heart of my concern for the successful transition planning for the family business. https://www.axialmarket.com/blog/2010/11/entrepreneur-profile-ifr-furniture-rentals
Family Business Services

Succession Planning Problems arise because all matters pertaining to the business get mixed up in the overlapping areas. Individuals play multiple roles but mix them inappropriately or lack awareness of how to separate the issues. It is in these overlap areas that confusion reigns. It is crucial to clearly identify where issues stem from and [&hellip
Edward Rosenfeld Family Business Consultants
Three Circle Model Edward Rosenfeld and his team bring diverse and deep experience to assisting the family business and their advisors. We bring years of experience to working with the Family Circle on conflict management, with the Management Circle in strategic planning and/or operational improvement and with the Ownership Circle in analyzing major changes in capital [&hellip