Title: Planning for Successful Transitions and Growth
Location: Blank & Rome LLP The Chrysler Building 405 Lexington Avenue New York, NY
Link out: http://www.itac.org/Events/TransitionGrowth/index.html
Description: A Symposium for Closely-Held Manufacturers

Topics and Workshops:
>Maximize the value of your business.
>Select and develop the people you need to lead your business
>Manage change so conflict is not destructive
>Build sibling teams that work well together
>Lïse Stewart, President of the Galliard Group, a family business consulting and training firm
>Frederick D. Lipman, Sr. Attorney of Blank Rome and author of 15 books on maximizing business value, financing and exit strategies
>Edward Rosenfeld, Family Business Consultant

Start Time: 8:30
Date: May 22, 2013
End Time: 14:00